Friday, January 31, 2020

Giraffe Brain, 3

The giraffe’s height gives them an advantage in the wild. They’re better able to keep a sharp eye out for predators. You always give up something to get something, however. For the giraffe, its height makes it difficult to drink at a water hole or stream. To reach the water they must spread their legs and bend down in a very awkward position, which makes them more vulnerable to predators. Fortunately, giraffes only need to drink once every several days, as they obtain most of their water from the plant leaves they eat. The female gives birth standing up. Naturally this means that a newborn falls more than five feet to the ground at birth, rather a rude way to be dislodged from its biological nursery and meet Planet Earth. Typically they are able to stand within 30 minutes and, if necessary, can run with their mother when they are only 10 days old. Getting up close and person to a couple of these gentle giants at the “Living Desert,” gave me a new perspective. Tell your niece to send me questions any time. I enjoyed looking up these pictures and reminiscing. It’s great she is interested in brains—of any type.

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