Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year 2020

It’s the first of the year and all through the house,
Excitement is high—again there’s no mouse!

Except for the mouse that runs my laptop—
So quiet you really can hear a pin drop.

My stocking once hung from the mantle with care,
Is back in its box—the fireplace bare.

The sun shining brightly has dispelled the fog,
A very good thing as it looked like eggnog!

Another good meal is about to be served,
From all the left-overs we reserved.

The reheated dishes from holiday fare
Account for the wonderful smells in the air.

Despite fires and floods it’s been a good year,
A lot’s been accomplished with friends I hold dear.

Life is uncertain, there’s no guarantee,
This ahead in this fresh New Year

Make quality time for those you hold dear.

In the end you may save yourself many a tear . . .

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