Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I was rejected many times when I was younger because of my extreme obesity. I know how it feels. I am now within my optimum weight range. I have the urge, however, to reject others just so they will learn what it feels like. Is that a mental illness?

First, congratulations on doing the work to be within your optimum weight range. Your brain and body will thank you in that it is likely you will be able to avoid some chronic diseases—more than 50 of which are related to obesity. You know the Golden Rule, so called:  Treat others the way you would like to be treated. The urge you are describing is the opposite of the Golden Rule. If you reject others just so they will learn what it feels like would likely fall into the category of some type of mental dysfunction. My guess is that you dealt with your weight but you did not deal with and heal from the anger and shame you felt when you were rejected. My guess also is that you would be well advised to find a good counselor who can help you recover and resolve the anger. That can help you treat people the way you would like to be treated and not the way you were treated—that is just continue the dysfunction.

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