Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Pulling Together or Falling Apart

I know that COVID-19 has disrupted the world. During hard times, however, don’t families pull together instead of falling apart? My parents used to talk about the “Depression” and how some families pulled together and how others fell apart, even giving up their kids for adoption or putting them in an orphanage.

 Some families do pull together. Others, for whatever reason, seem unable to do that--and fall apart.  Some couples have never ever spent such a long period of time in such close proximity in their entire relationship. Those with strong mental and emotional bonds who are also good friends, tend to pull together and even grow even closer. Others who partnered primarily due to a strong sexual attraction (which lasts an average of 18-24 months and then wanes) may separate and/or divorce. Others remain but reports of increased domestic violence after shut-down orders have revealed the risk of interpersonal violence during isolation. More Tomorrow.

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