Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Brain & Adult Attachment, 2

Researcher and social neuroscientist, Omri Gillath PhD, is associate professor in the Department of Psychology and the Hoglund Brain Imaging Center at the University of Kansas. His work focuses on human pair-bonding, the effects of personality on cognition and behavior, adult attachment, and the way to happiness. Some of his findings are outlined in his book Adult Attachment: A Concise Introduction to Theory and Research. Studies indicate that the more people have moved around the country, the more they tend to have a disposable view of both objects and close social ties. Dr. Gillath was quoted as saying: “We found a correlation between the way you look at objects and perceive your relationships. If you move around a lot, you develop attitudes of disposability toward objects, furniture, books, devices, basically whatever merchandise you have at home, even your car.” More tomorrow.

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